We are a professional Excess Workers Compensation insurance organization serving to enhance the capabilities of our strategic partners. We are focused on risk transfer for self-insured employers as a way to economically handle their workers compensation liability. Independent, we are not affiliated with any national brokerages in-house wholesaler.
Excess Workers' Comp.
Excess workers' comp works to financially protect the self-insured employer for workers' compensation claims that exceed the designated dollar limit. What excess comp insurance does is cover all workers' comp losses up to a specific dollar amount, or an unlimited amount.
Large Deductible Workers' Comp Programs
A large deductible plan provides the same workers compensation insurance coverage as a guaranteed insurance plan. ... A deductible program is designed for large employers who have the capacity to self-insure part of their Worker's Compensation losses.
Surety Bonds for Self Insured Employers
A Workers Compensation bond is a type of surety bond required of employers that wish to enter into a self-insurance agreement with their state. In states where the option to self-insure the required worker's compensation coverage, a surety bond requirement may exist if that option is selected.
Loss Portfolio Transfer to off past liabilities
A loss portfolio transfer (LPT) is a reinsurance treaty in which an insurer cedes policies and the loss reserves to pay them to a reinsurer. LPTs allow insurers to remove liabilities from their balance sheets, thus strengthening them, and to transfer risk.
General & Auto Liability for Public Entities
With our long history of service to public entities and our team of dedicated professionals in underwriting, risk control and claim management.
Optional Coverages & Endorsements
Loveland and Smart can apply supplements and/ or endorsements to any policy.

Experience You Can Trust!
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8300 Fair Oaks Blvd. #306
CA. 95608